150 Stratford High Street

A large new residential development on a brownfield site adjacent to Stratford High Street and overlooking the River Lea. 

The River Lea is a small canalised river that heads north from the River Thames opposite the Millennium Dome. The concept was to recreate the lost ecology of the river, with wet woodland habitat along the river edge and oak in woodland habitat in the courtyard.

Most of the site is on a podium, with the basement car park below, and so the challenge was to translate this concept into a detailed design within the constraints of ventilation, structure and required vehicle tracking.

The project is close to the Olympic Site, and the design of the public realm had to be integrated with the broader master plan proposals for Stratford High Street.

I was the project lead from inception up to successfully gaining planning approval, and also approval from other bodies including British Waterways, Environment Agency, Design for London and CABE. 

Whilst at Kinnear Landscape Architects - 2009 - Newham, London - Client: Genesis Housing - Value: £1.6m - Architect: AHMM