Burntwood School

The modernist style of the previous school landscape and buildings, with buildings set with an open campus style landscape,  was retained in the masterplan of the new school.

Working closely with the school and the architects, the site was sensitively re-designed to retain the beautiful mature trees around the perimeter of the site. A broad pedestrian spine runs through the school, from which the curriculum buildings and adjacent gardens are positioned, to create a simple and legible layout.

The gardens have been designed as outdoor teaching spaces relating to the educational discipline, with the planting becoming more wild and less formal with distance from the spine.

I was the project lead from inception in 2009 to half way the construction programme in 2013.

Burntwood School won the 2015 Stirling Prize


Whilst at Kinnear Landscape Architects  -  2009  -  Wandsworth, London  -  Client: LendLease / London Borough of Wandsworth  -  Value: £1.2m  -  Size: 1.7ha  -  Architect: AHMM