Chobham Academy & Community Playing Fields

A new all age academy adjacent to East Village, formerly the Athletes Village within the London Olympic site. The design concept is a school in a forest, with an ecology transect across the playgrounds from high forest through wildflower meadow to wet woodland.

The academy specialises in Performing Arts and English and the external spaces provide flexible, playful spaces for learning and performing as well as sports facilities with ballcourt, tennis courts and cricket nets. The playing fields are the other side of Temple Mill Lane accessible via a footbridge to avoid children having to cross the busy road.

The route to school has been carefully designed, with a stepped gabion wall for playing and sitting. This route continues through an adjacent project Drapers Field.

Kinnear Landscape Architects were the lead consultant of a multi-disciplinary team, and I was the project lead from planning through to construction and completion on site.

Whilst at Kinnear Landscape Architects  -  2008  -  Newham, London  -  Client: ODA/LendLease  -  Value: £4.4m  -  Size: 4.5ha  -  Architect: AHMM  -  Engineers: AKT, Arup