Foleshill Primary School

This was my first landscape project after completing the Masters in Landscape Architecture at the University of Greenwich.

The brief was to produce a masterplan for the school grounds that would provide a variety of spaces for active play, outdoor classes and performances, and quiet reading and reflection.

I presented design options to the pupils and teachers, and ran an interactive classroom session to explain the different components of the plan to the children, and get their help with the layout of the trim trail.

Using the feedback from this session, I finalized the plan to include a curved trim trail which you could climb along without touching the ground (that started and ended at the existing tarmac playground), a running track, a timber stage and grass amphitheatre, an outdoor classroom, and a nature area with wildflower meadow and pond.

Whilst at Groundwork Coventry - 2003  -  Foleshill, Coventry  -  Client: Foleshill Primary School