Ping Pong

I salvaged an old wooden Ping Pong table that was going to be thrown out and used it for the Crossfields Festival.

It was popular with young and old alike, and so through the residents association we applied for New Cross Assembly funding to buy a concrete outdoor Ping Pong table. We had to bid for the funding and were voted at the New Cross Assembly meeting. As well as the A1 board I took along a mini Ping Pong table so we could play in the meeting!

After winning the funding we made a template and marked out the playing area with spray paint. Since being installed it has been used a lot, and what is really nice is seeing people playing together who have just met for the first time.

Also, I've been helping with an exciting project to install more Ping Pong tables in Deptford and start up social events and games. It is run by a friend, Andy James, who set up the English Ping Pong Association and is working for Ping! London.