Ingrebourne Valley greenway

This study for a new pedestrian and cycle route through an existing wetland landscape produced a number of costed options of how Rainham Village could be connected with Hornchurch Country Park and the urban centres to the north.

The route was carefully designed to immerse the visitor in the beautiful surrounding landscape, whilst at the same time protecting and enhancing the fragile ecology of the valley. For example the recent return of the rare Marsh Harrier. The study proposed routes that included willow groves, bridges and timber boardwalks through reedbeds. 

A barrier in creating the route was the wide fast road A1306, which is the de-trunked A13. The design of the road encourages very fast use, with speed limits increasing at the point where residents want to cross the road to access the green space. Our solution was selective narrowing of the road, and bringing the riverine ecology to the road side to reduce visibility.

I was the project lead from inception through to production of the final report, and I carried out extensive research and numerous site meetings with members of our team (for example the ecologist) and stakeholders such as the Environment Agency and the Highways department of the Having Council.


Whilst working at Kinnear Landscape Architects - 2010 - Rainham, London Borough of Havering - Client: Design for London / Thames Gateway - Value: £535,000