Ramsgate > Rye / by Tim Wilson

Up before 4am so that could arrive just before high water at 16:34 in Rye (tide in river can run at six knots if early or late!) and, with wind shrieking in rigging, had qualms about leaving. But forecast was declining wind from Force 6, so decided to go for it.

Outside harbour big swell rolled Arwen back and forth with couple of waves breaking over cockpit! But once turned downwind got calmer and speedily sailed all the way to Rye with just the genny part unfurled (the sail at the front).

Campsite just south of Deal where spent the night.

Keeping out of the way of ferries going in and out of Dover

Navy ship on patrol circled me for an hour as approached Dungeness. I looked up P281 on side and is the HMS Tyne.

Nuclear power station at Dungeness (not operational)

Entering the River Rye

High tide

Low tide

46 nautical miles