An exciting day sailing beyond Land’s End out to Isles of Scilly. A quiet start leaving St Michael’s Mount, but the wind picked up and with both wind and tide was a fast crossing. And more dolphins played around Arwen for few minutes about half way across.
Anchoring in a beautiful sheltered spot between the Bryher and Tresco, I rowed across to Bryher and explored the island. The water is so clear that as rowed felt vertigo looking down!
Passing Newlyn - where the elevation datum for Ordnance Survey is measured!
Passing lighthouse at Tater du Point
Sailing out past Land’s End - an exciting moment!
Oh no!
Temporary fix
Carn Base cardinal buoy
Lighthouse on Round Island on north side of Isles of Scilly
Approaching New Grimsby Harbour between Tresco and Bryer.
Anchored near this rock for shelter.
Looking across to Saint Mary’s from Bryer.
Wow.. water so clear can see anchor chain all the way down six metres to rocks and kelp on bottom.
38 nautical miles