Bangor < > Nuneaton / by Tim Wilson

Some good and bad news, in that Dad had a stroke last week. He’s stable now and out of immediate danger, but has lost movement on right side. And so begins the slow patient process with physio to get movement back. That’s the bad news. The good news is that it could have been worse, as mentally he’s as kind, thoughtful and intelligent as ever, and there is a very slight movement with hand and foot that’s a good start!

So I can be around to help out I’m pausing the UK trip and bringing Arwen back to Granton before Dad gets out of hospital. The quickest route means sailing across to the Clyde to meet Megan and then with her help motor through the 40 locks of the Forth and Clyde Canal. Which should be quite an adventure in itself!

Then next year to bring Arwen back through the canal to continue up around the Scottish coast during holidays, so the sailing (and blog) will continue..